Vision and Purpose

Vision and Purpose

The main purpose of the Institute is the complete and systematic training in group analysis, as well as couple and family therapy. The training is addressed mainly to mental health scientists and professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. In exceptional cases, candidates of relevant professional fields may be considered for admission, provided that they are found suitable for the training.

In addition, the Institute aims to contribute, as far as possible, in the broader social and scientific progress of the country, by popularizing scientific opinions and suggestions which are based in an expert knowledge of the dynamics that mediate every social group, small or large.

That is the Institute’s purpose. To influence the broader scientific domain, so as to set in motion the emotional maturity which is so vital to the growth of our society. The radical reconsideration of our education system, for instance, could gradually bring about an approximation, if not a realization of our vision. A meaningful starting point could be the inclusion of “life lessons” in the school curriculum, as Mr. Matthew Josafat and other members of the Institute have been advocating for years.


42, Michalakopoulou St., 115 28, Athens

  • dummy+30 210 7758 888

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